So, what is the Awareness Code and what makes its approach unique?
Anywhere two or more people gather for a purpose gives rise for the possibility of a leader taking responsibility. Leaders can be captains, governors, teachers, sporting legends, coaches, school prefects, CEOs, executive and non-executive directors, senior managers, entrepreneurial founders, current and aspiring presidents and prime ministers and commanders.
The Awareness Code charts the spectrum of emotional and mental intelligence from our deepest inadequacies through to our heroic best and it offers a blueprint for how to rise up
the scale of awareness to create Incredible Leadership and beyond.
There are many ways to utilize the Awareness Code and we see it as a lifelong learning tool. It can help you to go to the deepest levels of human nature and assist with any ongoing professional development. There will always be a tile to explore at more depth, always a person entering the team, or your life in general, who is displaying a tile that you realize you would like to know more about. Now that the Awareness Code has been released, its very existence and inherent nature assists those that invest in it to have greater access to the truth of whatever is being investigated.